Citymark’s comprehensive platform seeks to create attractive risk-adjusted returns by investing across the capital stack on behalf of a diverse investor base. Citymark leverages its national network to source equity and debt investment opportunities and create geographically diverse portfolios. We believe our nimble approach allows us to preserve and prudently deploy capital, mitigate risk, and maximize returns through cycles.


Citymark invests in institutional quality assets in top U.S. markets through partnerships with highly experienced, proven operators. Our equity strategy seeks to create a geographically diverse, basis-focused portfolio that generates durable cash flows and targets above-market returns through execution of active business plans.

Structured Equity & Debt

Citymark leverages its extensive equity and credit capabilities and experience investing in complex structures to deploy mezzanine and preferred equity capital that provides predictable cash flow and premium returns at controlled leverage points.


Citymark’s broad platform and the extensive credit background of its leadership team allows the firm to identify debt investment opportunities that can provide asymmetric returns in the purchase or restructuring of existing credit and new direct loan originations.
Cordova Apartments


One Cleveland Center
1375 East 9th Street Suite 2880
Cleveland, Ohio 44114

Phone: 216-453-8080
E-mail: [email protected]